My Life My Choices

Military Edition

My Life My Choices Military Transition Edition is a free, 25- to 45-minute budgeting and scenario-based activity of financial priorities and consequences, for military service members transitioning to civilian life.

MLMC Military Edition
My Life My Choices - Military Edition
    MLMC Military Edition

    Use the back and next buttons to navigate. Do NOT use your browser’s back button, which will exit you from the program.

    To leave and return to this activity, click the SAVE button located at the bottom right of each page.

    Remember to click the SUBMIT Button at the end of the activity to receive your free Certificate of Completion

    *We recognize that not all transitioning soldiers and sailors have equal pay and equal post-military employment opportunities. For this activity, though, we will assume a typical E-3 income level upon transition to civilian.

    Required to Deliver Your Certificate of Completion. We do not sell, transfer or provide your personal information to third-party entities or organizations. NOTE FOR TEACHERS: To guard student privacy, you are welcome to have students use your email address instead of their own. All certificates will be delivered directly to you.
    Please choose the military status that best fits your situation?
    Are you taking this course as part of a program or service organization request or requirement?
    Not required. This will be included in your certificate of completion if you enter information here.
    Country of Residence
    What is your current housing status?
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